I can design sewing patterns for custom merch types if I do not currently offer that option already
When choosing the kind of merch you want made, the minimum order quantity is based on 1M of fabric.
With that 1 meter, you may only be able to get 4-6 tote/gym bags, but that same amount of fabric may yield 12 Zipper Pouches. Because the amount is based on my own templates, I will be able to make a pretty exact estimation on how many of which item can be made before I have to order the fabric. All of this will be discussed further through email.
Once the merch options have been picked out, we can discuss accent fabric and stitching. A mockup will be created so we can go over pattern sizing and color matchups.
When everything has been confirmed, I will have your design printed and get to sewing once the fabric has arrived. 1 of each merch option will be made with photos being provided just to confirm before going ahead with the rest.
Smaller orders will take 1-2 weeks till completion after the fabric has arrived, while bigger orders may take longer. Deadlines can be given but only if ordered 2 months in advanced to factor in development and shipping.